Statement on the Military Committee 5+5

The Stability Support Apparatus issued a statement on the 5+5 Military Committee, which read:

While we stress the efforts made by the 5 + 5 Military Committee, which culminated in solving many outstanding problems, including the opening of the coastal road linking the east and the west, we also confirm and support what was stated in the statement of the Joint Operations Room in the Western Region of the Presidency of the General Staff In the Libyan army, which stresses the need for the Military Committee 5 + 5 not to exceed its responsibilities entrusted to it, as this committee intervened in the restructuring of the security and military agencies formed by the previous Government of National Accord. In addition to not mentioning the reorganization of the General Command in the east to be among the state’s military apparatus and it has completely neglected this, as well as its interference in appointing a defense minister, which is the original competence of the government in consultation with the Presidential Council and the approval of the House of Representatives.

The Stability Support Apparatus calls on the 5+5 Committee to abide by the tasks assigned to it by the Presidential Council and not to take sides without the other, in order to ensure the preservation of the nation’s unity, security and stability.

May Allah keep Libya safe and stable

Stability Support Apparatus
Issued on: August 18, 2021

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