Director of SSA’s Affairs Office holds a tactical meeting with a number of its affiliates

As part of his mobilizing and awareness-raising activities for the members of the apparatus, the director of SSA’s Affairs Office, Abdul Salam Al-Masoudi, met with a number of the apparatus affiliates.

During his speech to the members of the apparatus, Al-Masoudi stressed the importance of the dedication of the members of the apparatus in their work, and that there is no immunity for anyone, except by law, stressing the need for discipline and reflecting the good image of the apparatus and its members.

The director of the apparatus’ affairs office noted that the first responsibility that the apparatus bears is to establish security for citizens and institutions in all parts of Libya, and the agency’s men, with their determination and discipline, are the agency’s ambassadors throughout the country.

Al-Masoudi stressed in his speech that the first goal of the apparatus is to serve the citizens, not to coerce them, because the Libyan people, with all their components, are the master.

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